Hitler's Decision on War with Poland, 23 May 1939 Hitler's Decision on War with Poland, 23 May 1939 Source: J. Noakes & G. Pridham, Documents on Nazism 1919-1945, (London, 1974), pp.558-559. After six years the present position is as follows: With minor exceptions German national unification has been achieved. Further successes cannot be achieved without bloodshed. Poland will always be on the side of our adversaries. Despite the friendship agreement Poland has always intended to exploit every opportunity against us. Danzig is not objective. It is a matter of expanding our living space in the east, of making our food supplies secure, and of solving the problem of the Baltic States. To provide sufficient food you must have sparsely settled areas. This is fertile soil, whose surpluses will be very much increased by German, thorough management. No other such possibility can be seen in Europe. ... The Polish regime will not resist pressure from Russia. Poland sees danger in a German victory over the west and will try and deprive us of our victory. There is therefore no question of sparing Poland, and the decision remains to attack Poland at the first suitable opportunity . We cannot expect a repetition of Czechoslovakia. There will be war. The task is to isolate Poland. Success in isolating her will be decisive. Therefore, the Fuehrer must reserve to himself the final command to attack. There must be no simultaneous conflict with the West (France and England). If it is not certain that a German-Polish conflict will not leas to war with the West, then the struggle will be directed in the first instance against England and France. Basic principle: conflict with Poland, beginning with attack on Poland, will be successful only if the West keeps out. If that is impossible, then it is better to attack the West and finish off Poland at the same time. It will be the task of dextrous diplomacy [geschickte Politik] to isolate Poland. ...